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My Moore School

Mentor Program

The Moore School Mentor Program gives alumni and friends of the Moore School the opportunity to share meaningful personal and professional knowledge and experiences with current Moore School students. Connections made in this program prepare students for a successful future and transition into the role of alumni.

About the Program

The Moore School is in the business of preparing students to be future business leaders who possess leading-edge functional skills, critical soft skills such as professionalism, teamwork, leadership, communication, and relevant real-world experience.  The Moore School Mentor Program provides a valuable opportunity for students to explore and develop their academic and professional goals through the practical insight, coaching and experiences of business professionals.  Mentors are Moore School graduates and affiliated business professionals who are successful and experienced, and have volunteered their time to make a positive impact in the life of a student.

The program gives students the opportunity to form one-on-one relationships with accomplished mentors in their industry of interests, begin building their networks in their field of study, and defining their academic and professional goals.  At the same time, mentors support and contribute to the Moore School with their time and talent by sharing their collegiate and professional experiences with our students.  While the program is a great way for students to connect with professionals for valuable career guidance and other support, it is not intended as a job search path.

  • Current, enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at the Darla Moore School of Business
  • Articulate interest in having a mentor’s guidance regarding career and professional development
  • Registered member of the business school’s virtual platform, Moore Connect
  • Contact with alumni and professionals who are willing to guide and support professional development.
  • Increased confidence in your understanding of the business environment and workplace.
  • Motivation and support from your mentor in setting goals and achieving personal standards.
  • Develop a relationship with a professional who can serve as a role model and adviser to provide feedback on career paths.

Frequently Asked Questions

All mentees must complete an online application prior to the start of the program. Applications for the fall semester open in August and applications for the spring semester open in January.

In addition to completing the online application, all applicants must be registered for Moore Connect. You may register for the platform by visiting Moore Connect.

Please reach out to Corey Mikels ( to learn more about the application process and deadlines.  

As a Moore School student, you have exclusive access to a large network of experienced alumni who are willing to share their wisdom and advice about life beyond the Moore School. The Moore School Mentor Program is a unique opportunity for you to form meaningful and lasting relationships with professionals that will extend beyond campus. 

The Moore School Mentor Program is designed to engage alumni and friends of the school from all backgrounds and experience levels. Participants will be matched with an alumnus or business professional based on criteria such as education, industry, and career aspirations. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to connect at least once a week over the six-week program, though the frequency and form of communication can be mutually decided.

At the beginning of each week, participants will receive tips on effective mentorship techniques, discussion topics, and suggested activities. It is important to note that mentees should not ask their mentors for jobs or internships. The primary focus of the Mentor Program is to build your professional network, foster personal development, and provide academic and career advice. While the program is not a direct pipeline to employment, it can often lead to future opportunities.

Additional expectations include:

  • Be on time and come prepared to all meetings
  • Be professional
  • Listen actively
  • Express gratitude

The Mentor Program is offered twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Each term, the program spans six weeks. During this period, mentees are encouraged to connect with their assigned mentors at least once a week. However, the frequency and form of communication can be tailored to suit individual preferences.

Mentor matches are based on various criteria derived from the applications submitted by both the student and the mentor.

Mentors and mentees are encouraged to continue their collaboration for as long as both parties are interested and available.

Yes. As a registered user of Moore Connect, you can directly connect with fellow students and alumni in a more informal manner. The platform enables users to engage in one-off questions, informational interviews, and the tools to build a robust professional network. Ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date, including your professional, academic, and volunteer experience. Under the “Seek Mentoring” section, check the boxes the apply to your professional development needs. Under the “About Me” section, answer the following:  “Are you interested in being a mentor or mentee? If so, why?”. Make sure to click the “save” button when updating your profile.

The mentor program is offered twice a year, once in the fall term and once during the spring term.

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