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  • Three green lounge chairs outside with Cocky sitting in the middle chair pointing at you with a beach ball beside him.

    Summers @ Carolina

Summer Housing

Housing choices are available for students staying on campus during the summer break.

2025 - Summer School Accommodations

Enjoy studying and living at Carolina this summer in 650 Lincoln  University Housing has seven different packages for living in 650 Lincoln to fit every summer schedule.  
Apply Now

Who is eligible?

Any student pre-registered for fall 2025. Priority goes to students who are enrolled in summer school classes.

Room Assignments

Assignments are made based on the date you submitted your application and will be available when you check-in at 650 Lincoln.

Summer 2024 Sessions & Rates 

Summer Term Check-In Check-Out Summer Rate
Full Summer Session
May 5-July 28
Sunday, May 5 Sunday, July 28 $3,948
Six Week Summer (S1)
May 5-June16
Sunday, May 5 Sunday, June 16 $1,974
Three Week Summer (S1)
May 5-May 25
Sunday, May 5 Saturday, May 25 $940
Combo  Sunday, May 5 Saturday, July 6 $2,914
Three Week Summer (S2)
May 27-June15
Monday, May 27 Saturday, June 15 $893
Nine Week Summer 
May 27-July 28
Monday, May 27 Sunday, July 28 $2,914
Six Week Summer (S2)
June 16-July 28
Sunday, June 16 Sunday, July 28 $1,974
Three Week Summer (S3)
June 16-July 6
Sunday, June 16 Saturday, July 6 $940


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
