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Law Enforcement and Safety

Pedestrian Safety

Safety is a shared responsibility. With busy streets, crosswalks and campus areas shared by vehicles, bikes and walkers, staying alert can make all the difference.

Eyes Up, Carolina!

Pedestrian safety is a top priority for our community. Whether you're walking to class or across campus to meet a friend for coffee, we are all pedestrians at some point.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

  • Cross smart: Stick to designated crosswalks and only cross when you have the right-of-way. Pay attention to traffic signals.
  • Stay on sidewalks: If possible, always use a sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk as far from the road as possible. If you must walk on a road, walk facing oncoming traffic so you can see approaching vehicles.
  • Eyes Up, Carolina! Avoid distractions like your phone or headphones while crossing streets. Keep your eyes on your surroundings and remain vigilant.
  • Make eye contact: Before stepping into the street, ensure drivers see you. Never assume they already see you or will stop for you.
  • Shine bright: If you’re out at night, wear reflective or bright clothing to stay visible. Walk in groups if possible.
  • Are they turning? Watch for cars reversing or turning in parking lots. And check for turning vehicles at intersections or driveways even if you have a walk signal.
  • Avoid the tracks: Never walk on train tracks or next to railroads. It's extremely dangerous as trains require significant distance to stop.
  • Know your route: Plan your walking or running routes ahead of time to use the safest and most well-lit paths, especially at night.
  • Avoid impairments: Alcohol and drugs impair your abilities and your judgment.

Campus Education and Awareness

In an effort to address concerns about pedestrian safety on campus, USCPD has partnered with the South Carolina Department of Public Safety to bring a pedestrian safety education and awareness campaign to campus. USCPD was awarded a 2024-2025 Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs grant to execute this campaign.

Information for Drivers and Cyclists

 Slow down when approaching crosswalks and let walkers cross safely.

Always stop for buses loading or unloading passengers, and give bicycles ample room to maneuver.

Pedestrians are harder to see in low-light conditions. Use extra caution at night and during bad weather.

On a busy campus, expect pedestrians to move slowly or cross unexpectedly. Remain calm and alert.

Don't block crosswalks when stopped at a light or sign. Do not pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk as people may be walking that you can't see.

Be aware of class schedules or events that create surges in pedestrian traffic and adjust your driving accordingly.

Check for pedestrians crossing before making a turn, even if you have a green light. Drive slowly in parking lots as people appear behind and in between vehicles. Always look before you back up.

Never drive under the influence. It's not worth the risk to human life.


  • Download the Rave Guardian Safety App to chat with USCPD Dispatch 24/7, start a safety timer or submit anonymous crime tips.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
