Faculty and Staff
Emily Schafer
Title: | Associate Professor of Psychology |
USC Union | |
Email: | eschafe2@mailbox.sc.edu |
Phone: | 864-424-8058 |

PhD in International Family and Community Studies, Clemson University, 2019
MA in Clinical Psychology, Wheaton College, 2005
BS in Experimental Psychology, University of South Carolina, Honors College, 2003
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 101)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC 420)
Abnormal Psychology
Child Maltreatment
Research Interests:
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Resilience
Trauma-Informed Care
Impact of Technology on Development and Mental Health
The Traumatic Impact of Racism
Schafer, E.S. (2018, October). Perceived Discrimination in School: Examining Long-Term Effects from a Nationally
Representative Sample. Presentation at Coming Together for Action Conference of the Global Alliance for
Behavioral Health and Social Justice, Denver, CO.
Representative Sample. Presentation at Coming Together for Action Conference of the Global Alliance for
Behavioral Health and Social Justice, Denver, CO.
Schafer, E.S. (2017, December). Framing Child Maltreatment within Toxic Societal Realities. Presentation at the 5th
annual International PhD workshop of the Haruv Institute on Child Maltreatment, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel.
annual International PhD workshop of the Haruv Institute on Child Maltreatment, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel.
Schafer, E.S. (2018, August). The Trauma of Racism. Presentation at the 2018 Resilience Summer Summit of the Child
Protection Training Center, University of South Carolina – Upstate, Spartanburg, SC.
Protection Training Center, University of South Carolina – Upstate, Spartanburg, SC.
Schafer, E.S., Flege-Hudson, M.D., Limber, S.P., & Thompson, M. (2018, March). A moderated mediation analysis of the
negative consequences of bullying victimization. Poster presentation at the 64th annual Southeastern
Psychological Association, Charleston, SC.
negative consequences of bullying victimization. Poster presentation at the 64th annual Southeastern
Psychological Association, Charleston, SC.
Schafer, E.S., Flege-Hudson, M.D., Limber, S.P., & Thompson, M. (2018, April). Consequences of bullying victimization
among rural youth: Exploring mediating mechanisms. Poster presented at the 5th annual Southeastern School
Behavioral Health conference, Myrtle Beach, SC
among rural youth: Exploring mediating mechanisms. Poster presented at the 5th annual Southeastern School
Behavioral Health conference, Myrtle Beach, SC
Schafer, E.S., Hudson-Flege, M.D., Limber, S.P., Kowalski, R., & Mece, M. (2018, May).
Comparing outcomes between
traditional and cyberbullying victimization. Poster presentation at the 30th annual Association for Psychological
Science convention, San Francisco, CA.
traditional and cyberbullying victimization. Poster presentation at the 30th annual Association for Psychological
Science convention, San Francisco, CA.
Schafer, E.S., Hudson-Flege, M.D., Limber, S.P., & Kowalski, R. (2018, November).
Predictive factors of cyberbullying
and traditional bullying. Poster presentation at the 15th annual International Bullying Prevention Association
Conference, San Diego, CA.
and traditional bullying. Poster presentation at the 15th annual International Bullying Prevention Association
Conference, San Diego, CA.
Schafer, E.S., Flege-Hudson, M.D., Limber, S.P., & Thompson, M. (2018, November).
Mediators of negative outcomes
associated with bullying victimization among rural youth. Poster presentation at the 15th annual International
Bullying Prevention Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
associated with bullying victimization among rural youth. Poster presentation at the 15th annual International
Bullying Prevention Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
Hudson-Flege, M., Schafer, E., Mosier, S., & Jenkins, J. (2018, April). Integrating the Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Presentation at the Southeastern School
Behavioral Health Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Riese, J. & Schafer, E. (2018, April). Yoga for the Treatment of Complex Trauma. Presentation at the Southeastern
School Behavioral Health Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
School Behavioral Health Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Professional Affiliations:
Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice
Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA)
Association for Psychological Sciences (APS)
International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA)
Invited Speaker:
- 2018 Resilience Summer Summit, University of South Carolina – Upstate, Spartanburg,
The Trauma of Racism - D7Shares, Spartanburg School District 7 District-Wide Employee In-service (2018):
Racial Economic (In)equality Explained - Race Roundtable Community Forum, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Spartanburg, SC:
Panel Member for a community dialogue about race - Miracle Hill Ministries, Annual Foster Families Celebration, Greenville, SC (2016):
The Significance of Self-Care - Miracle Hill Ministries Foster Family training, Greenville, SC (2016):
Trauma-Informed Foster Care - United Way’s Martin Luther King, Jr Day of Service, USC – Upstate Spartanburg, SC
Discovering my Privilege and Sharing my Power
- Fran White Award for Psychology, Wheaton College (2005).
- Teen Connections STAR award, Together We Can Foundation: VA Beach, VA (2010).
- Grant awarded Scholar in the Haruv Institute’s International Dissertation Workshop on Child Maltreatment: Hebrew University, Mt Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel (2017).
- Kimbrough & Melton Parents Award for outstanding achievement, Institute for Family and Neighborhood Life, Clemson University (2018).
- Recipient of three consecutive Professional Enrichment Grants, Clemson University (2018).
- Phi Beta Kappa, National Honors Fraternity.
Biographical Information:
Dr. Schafer began teaching at USC Union in the fall of 2019. Prior to entering academia,
she worked as a psychotherapist. Dr. Schafer has experience writing trauma-informed
curricula and was the co-founder of a mentoring nonprofit for young children in poverty.
Previously, Emily and her husband, Brandon, pioneered a program with the city of Virginia
Beach for teenage girls in foster care with exceptionally high needs. Dr. Schafer
was transformed by the experience of mothering ten traumatized daughters. She is the
biological mother of two and speaks a little Russian from her time living and teaching
in Ukraine. She enjoys being in nature, traveling, running, and celebrating every
person’s journey toward wholeness and healing.