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Faculty and Staff

Jason Chad Ulmer

Title: Adjunct Instructor
USC Union
  • M.S.M, Management, Southern Wesleyan University, Central, SC, 2004
  • B.S., Management, Lander University, Greenwood, SC, 1993
Courses Taught
Management 371-Introduction to Principles of Management
Management 374-Human Resource Management
Marketing 350- Principles of Marketing
Management 376-Organizational Behavior Management
Management 401 Conflict Resolution and Negotiating
Research Interests
Understanding business in regards of employee retention as it relates to treatment of employees and training vested in management
Professional Affiliations
  • President, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Administrator’s Association, 2008, 2012, and 2013
  • President, SCVRA Administrators Division, 2014 and 2015
  • SC State Employees Association Laurens Chapter President 2016-Present
  • President , Facility Service Providers Division, 2004 and 2006
  • Member, Professional Staff Association, 2003-Present
  • Member, South Carolina State Employee Association, 1998-present
Biographical Information
Chad Ulmer began teaching with USC Union/Laurens in 2009. While serving as an adjunct instructor, Chad has been able to take his current on the job experience and mix it with lesson’s delivered from the text. Student’s feedback has been positive throughout the partnership. In these classes, students are able to what if questions and get real feedback on responses from hands on management in comparison to text book steps for success. In the end the students gain practical knowledge as well as the scholarly.