HVRI alums research Hurricane Helene’s different impacts on rural versus urban areas.
Sarah Jackson and Leah Blackwood work to identify the areas most impacted by and socially vulnerable to Helene.
Keep up with the work of HVRI and its researchers!
Sarah Jackson and Leah Blackwood work to identify the areas most impacted by and socially vulnerable to Helene.
Susan Cutter and other experts talk about the way FEMA aid gets distributed.
Learn more about how Susan Cutter and HVRI alumni are preparing communities for hazardous events
Brett Robertson, our colleague from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, has agreed to join HVRI as an Associate Director. Brett studies communication technology use in organizational, risk, and mass communication contexts with a focus on disaster preparedness and prevention. We have appreciated our collaboration on projects over recent years and are excited to have him more deeply involved in HVRI's work. Please take a moment to learn more about Brett Robertson.
Check out Inside Carolina's "Protecting South Carolina -- from emergency preparedness to brain health," and see what Melissa Potter and Tyler Spires are doing to help South Carolina residents in emergencies.
Cary Mock points to early hurricane forecasters
Susan Cutter talks about the costs of hurricanes and of rebuilding
Cary Mock leads The Conversation
Cary Mock and Susan Cutter weigh in on SC's handling of Helene
Kirstin Dow discusses mapping the city's hot spots
Susan Cutter and Cary Mock discuss the current hurricane season
Cary Mock talks about the rapid intensification of the Pacific hurricane
Brett Robertson and Susan Cutter offer advice on preparing for a hurricane
Cary Mock joins the chat about Hurricane Lee
Cary Mock talks about hurricane intensification
Susan Cutter on recovery in paradise
Kirstin Dow heads team to find the hottest areas in Columbia
Cary Mock discusses our abnormally high ocean temperatures
Susan Cutter adds to the conversation about the why the US seems to be much more affected by bad weather than other places
HVRI alum Tracy Whelen introduced some modern fire-fighting tools— maps, graphs and statistics — to help the Columbia-Richland Fire Department.
HVRI affiliate Tamara Sheldon’s study on household movements inland after major flooding events was featured in The Post and Courier
Undergraduate Maggie Kemp's interest in coastal communities led her to HVRI and to a path to grad school
Find out how Kirstin Dow's project maps urban heat islands to illustrate climate change
Sarah Jackson won the 2022 SEDAAG Graduate Honors Student Paper Competition for her paper, “Urban-Rural Tornado Occurrence in the Midwestern & Southern U.S.” The paper was presented at the annual meeting November 21–22, 2022, in Atlanta, GA.
Tracy Whelen (M.S. 2020) describes her work as a geospatial consultant.
Susan Cutter discusses the difficulties rural Kentucky communities face rebuilding after the recent flash floods.
The Post & Courier reports on Kirstin Dow's work to map differences in how hot SC's capital city is.
Susan Cutter on the devastation caused by the hurricane in the Washington Post.
In the wake of Hurricane Ian, Brett Robertson discusses the disaster preparedness of healthcare organizations on The Conversation.
HVRI Co-director Susan Cutter spoke to AccuWeather's Bill Wadell about Hurricane Ian's rapid intensification.
Forbes Magazine spoke to Cary Mock about Hurricane Kay and why it won't make landfall in California.
Melanie Gall and Chris Emrich enter The Conversation to talk about the risk of wildfires and floods and how homebuyers and renters can act on risk ratings.
Leah Blackwood is promoting the 2022 South Carolina Hurricane Guide. Leah, the state's new Hurricane Manager, graduated this May with a master's degree in geography.
HVRI alum Tracy Whelen (M.S. 2020) published “A GIS-based risk assessment of the Columbia-Richland (SC) Fire Department," an article based on her thesis, in the May 2022 issue of Fire Engineering.
Sahar Derakhshan (Ph.D. 2020) and current HVRI team members (Leah Blackwood, Margot Habets, Julia F. Effgen, and Susan Cutter) published their work titled "Prisoners of scale: downscaling community resilience measurements for enhanced use," in Sustainability (volume 14, issue 11).
In collaboration with a team from the University of Arizona, HVRI alum Rachel R. McCaster (M.S. 2015) and Susan Cutter co-authored a paper, "Adjusting statistical benchmark risk analysis to account for non-spatial autocorrelation, with application to natural hazard risk assessment," in the recent issue (volume 49, issue 9) of Journal of Applied Statistics.
The State reported on the Climate Ready Columbia conference, including Kirstin Dow's remarks on the importance of maintaining the city's tree canopy to combat the hotter temperatures climate change will bring (April 2, 2022)
The Hamilton Spectator spoke with Cary Mock spoke about the importance of historical climatology.
Kirstin Dow was featured in the Post & Courier story "UN report underlines a climate change reality: SC has ‘a lot to do’ to adapt" (March 5, 2022)
Ph.D. student Sarah Jackson was awarded a UofSC SPARC award from the UofSC Office of the Vice President for Research to support her dissertation research on the role of geographic context in tornado risk perception and response (January 2022)
HVRI Co-Director Dr. Kirstin Dow was just elected as a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for her work on climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. (January 2022)
The HVRI team, led by Ph.D. student Sarah Jackson, has published a COVID-19 paper, "Spatial Disparities of COVID-19 Cases and Fatalities in United States Counties," in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The other authors include Sahar Derakhshan, Leah Blackwood, Logan Lee, Qian Huang, Margot Habets, and Susan L. Cutter. (August 16, 2021)
HVRI Director Dr. Susan Cutter comments on the newly established state Office of Resilience and its role in future disaster recovery in the Charleston Post & Courier. (July 12, 2021)
Dr. Greg Carbone describes changes in weather extremes — heat, rainfall, tropical systems, and tidal flooding and what this means for Charleston in the Post & Courier. (June 29, 2021)
A new study in a Historical New Orleans Collection corroborates Cary Mock's research that the 1812 hurricane was the worst storm to hit the city, not Hurricane Katrina. (June 11, 2021)
HVRI just released an updated version of the Socioeconomic Impacts of Natural Hazards web-based dashboard called Haz-Dash. It provides mapped data for the U.S. on hazard losses from 2000–2019 using the SHELDUS database. (June 7, 2021)