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College of Arts and Sciences

Grant Resources

Specific Aims Review

We offer CAN Research Center members the opportunity to have the 1-page specific aims for an upcoming grant application reviewed.  Contact us at LEAST 4 weeks before you want to schedule your review. You will need to submit your 1-page aims one week ahead of the review. To have your review scheduled, complete the CAN Grant Review Survey. You will need:

  • Targeted sponsor (e.g., NIH, NSF, DoD, foundation)
  • Targeted mechanism (e.g., R01, NSF CAREER). Provide link to request for application (RFA) if available.  
  • Investigator team at USC (PI, Co-I's). Note: This is mostly for scheduling purposes to make sure we get reviewers that are not already involved.
  • Suggested reviewers (optional)
  • Brief description of the study (1-3 sentences) to help recruit reviewers.
  • Preferred timeline for review (e.g., approximate dates, last possible date)
Full panel review:

Occasionally, we will host a full "mock" grant review in which senior CAN members will review, score, and discuss an application. This will be open to the CAN research community, including trainees and other faculty.  A selection committee will review interest forms and select one grant for the mock review based upon  funding sponsor/ mechanism and reviewer availability. Early career scientists will be prioritized. Grants that are not selected for full panel review will still have their aims reviewed by standing grant review committee members. 

Full panel reviews occur on an as-requested basis -- please allow 4-6 weeks to schedule and be prepared to submit your application (commonly just Aims + Research Strategy/Narrative) 2 weeks before the scheduled mock review. 

Grant application templates:

We are always collecting new materials and section templates for CAN members to use (e.g., CAN-related Facilities and Environment template for NIH). Email Caitlin to (a) receive a copy of a specific template, (b) request help reviewing or developing a CAN-related section, or (c) request CAN help in soliciting grant examples.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
