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Department of Statistics

Our Faculty and Staff

Prince Allotey

Title: Senior Instructor
Department: Statistics
College of Arts and Sciences
Office: LeConte 309
a man with glasses on and a blue check shirt


Dr. Prince Allotey is a Senior Instructor in the Department of Statistics at the University of South Carolina (USC). He earned his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Connecticut. Before joining USC, he served as an Assistant Teaching Professor at the University of Washington, where he taught various statistics courses. Dr. Allotey has a passion for teaching and enjoys working with students, particularly helping them use statistical techniques to analyze real-life data and critically interpret statistical results. His primary focus is on creating student-centered and inclusive classrooms to promote student efficacy and enhance learning outcomes. He is also committed to increasing diversity in the mathematical sciences by encouraging underrepresented minorities to major in these fields. His research interests include spatial survival modeling, missing data methods, statistics education, and data science education. His applied work broadly involves the study and use of statistical methodologies to solve real-life problems in the social and life sciences. Dr. Allotey is an elected member of the American Statistical Association (ASA) Committee on Minorities in Statistics and currently serves as the chair of the ASA Diversity Mentoring Program. In his leisure time, he enjoys traveling and playing or watching soccer.

 Work Experience
  • Senior Instructor, University of South Carolina, 2024 – Present.
  • Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Washington, 2022-2024.
  • Senior Lecturer, University of Rhode Island, 2019-2022.
  • Ph.D. Statistics, University of Connecticut
  • M.S. Statistics, University of Connecticut
  • M.S. Applied Statistics, Western Michigan University
  • B.S. Statistics and Computer Science, University of Ghana
  • STAT 205 - Elementary Statistics for the Biological and Life Sciences
  • STAT 509 - Statistics for Engineers
  • STAT 511 - Mathematical Statistics
Research Interests
  • Statistics Education
  • Data Science Education
  • Survival Analysis
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Missing Data Analysis
Professional Service
  • Chair, ASA Diversity Mentoring Program,
  • Co-chair, Western North American Region
  • Member, ASA Committee on Minorities in Statistics

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