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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Faculty and Staff

Theodore M. Besmann

Title: Professor, Smart State Chair in Energy and Nuclear Security
Affiliate faculty in Chemical Engineering
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Website: General Atomics Center
Phone: 803-777-9853
Fax: 803-777-0106
Office: 541 Main Street 
Room 434 
Columbia, SC 29208
Resources: Curriculum Vitae[pdf]
Headshot of professor Theodore Besmann


Dr. Besmann's research interests are related to thermochemical experiment and modeling for nuclear fuel development and in-reactor behavior, and development of advanced nuclear waste forms. This includes measurements of basic thermal properties, development of databases for use in fuel performance codes, and coupling of thermochemical models with other properties within the codes.


  • Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 1976
  • M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Iowa State University, 1971
  • B.E., Chemical Engineering, New York University, 1970

Selected Publications

  • Hans-Conrad zur Loye, Theodore Besmann, Jake Amoroso, Kyle Brinkman, Agnès Grandjean, Charles H. Henager, Shenyang Hu, Scott T. Misture, Simon R. Phillpot, Natalia B. Shustova, Hui Wang, Robert J. Koch, Gregory Morrison, and Ekaterina Dolgopolova, Hierarchical Materials as Tailored Nuclear Waste Forms: A Perspective Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 4475−4488

  • Stephen A Utlak, Theodore M. Besmann, “Thermodynamic assessment of the pseudoternary Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume: 101   Issue: 2   Pages: 928-948  (2018).

  • T. M. Besmann, Y. Yamamoto, K. A. Unocic, “Thermochemical Compatibility and Oxidation Resistance of Advanced LWR Fuel Cladding” Nuclear Technology, 195 (2) (2016) 181-191.

  • M. J. Noordhoek, T.M. Besmann, D. Andersson, S.C. Middleburgh, A. Chernatynskiy, “Phase Equilibria in the U-Si System from First-Principles Calculations,’ J. Nucl. Mater., 479, (2016) 216–223.

  • T. M. Besmann, J. W. McMurray, S. Simunovic, “Application of Thermochemical Modeling to Assessment/Evaluation of Nuclear Fuel Behavior,” CALPHAD 55  (2016) 47-51.

  • State-of-the-Art Report on Multi-Scale Modelling of Nuclear Fuels, Nuclear Energy Agency Working Group on Multi-Scale Modelling of Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials, NEA/NSC/R/(2015)5.  T. M. Besmann, ed., 380 pages, 2015.

  • T. M. Besmann, “Computational Thermodynamics” In: Konings R.J.M., (ed.) Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, volume 1, pp. 455-470 Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012.

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