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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Faculty and Staff

Edward P. Gatzke

Title: Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director Chemical Engineering
Department: Chemical Engineering
Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Website: Research Group
Phone: 803-777-1159
Fax: 803-777-8265

Room 3C05   
301 Main Street                               
Columbia, SC 29208

Resources: Software
Headshot of Edward Gatzke


  • Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2000
  • B.Ch.E, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995


Dr. Gatzke's research interests are in the area of process modeling, control, and optimization. Efficient operation of chemical processes requires a fundamental understanding of dynamic and nonlinear characteristics. A variety of controller formulations can be developed to reduce product variability and improve productivity. Estimation and diagnostic methods can be used to develop process information that cannot easily be directly acquired by instrumentation. Recently, new moving horizon formulations involving unknown values taking discrete values have been proposed. These applications require online solution to constrained mixed-integer optimization problems. Ongoing research efforts include parallel programming efforts for mixed-integer optimization, including parallel nonconvex nonseparable mixed-integer outer approximation and parallel nonconvex branch-and-reduce methods. Application areas of interest include particulate processing, bio-processes, and large scale systems.


  • A. T. Stamps a and E. P. Gatzke.  "Design of Hybrid Electrochemical Devices." in Micropower Generation.  Wiley, 2009.
  • T. L. Aliyev and E. P. Gatzke. "Constrained NMPC Using Polynomial Chaos Theory." AT&P Journal, 2009, P 51-66.
  • P. K. Polisetty, E. P. Gatzke , and E. O. Voit. "Yield Optimization of Regulated Metabolic Systems Using Deterministic Branch-and-Reduce Methods." Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2008, 99(5), 1154-1169.
  • A. T. Stamps, S. Santhanagopalan, and E. P. Gatzke. "Using Piecewise Polynomials to Model Open-Circuit Potential Data." Journal of the Electrochemical Society.  2007, 154, P20-P27.

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