Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Faculty and Staff
William E. Mustain
Title: | Professor, Director of the Carolina Institute for Battery Innovation (CIBI) |
Department: | Chemical Engineering Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-576-6393 |
Fax: | 803-577-9597 |
Office: | Swearingen Engineering Center Room 2C09 301 Main Street Columbia, SC 29208 |
Resources: | Group Website: |

Ph.D. Illinois Institute of Technology, 2006
The overarching theme for all of the projects in the Mustain Laboratory for Electrocatalysts and Fuels (m∙leaf) is the design, characterization and implementation of electroactive materials in electrochemical systems. We use a wide variety of electrochemical and physical characterization techniques to explore chemistry-property and structure-property relationships, which allow us to propose next generation materials with a high level of success. In addition, these relationships help to advance the fundamental understanding of electrochemical processes and we use that knowledge to develop critical components of the 21st century energy portfolio - including batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, reactors for electrochemical synthesis, and systems for CO2 spearation and utilization.
Selected Publications
- T.J. Omasta, L. Wang, X. Peng, C.A. Lewis, J.R. Varcoe and W.E. Mustain, “Importance of Balancing Membrane and Electrode Water in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells”, J. Power Sources, In Press, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.05.006. Invited Contribution.
- X Peng, S. Zhao, T. Omasta, J.M. Roller and WE. Mustain, “Activity and durability of Pt-Ni nanocage electocatalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 203 (2017) 927-935.
- Y. Liu, A. Palmieri, J. He, Y. Meng, N. Beauregard, S.L. Suib and W.E. Mustain, “Highly Conductive In-SnO2/RGO Nano-Heterostructures with Improved Lithium-Ion Battery Performance”, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 25860; doi: 10.1038/srep25860. Open Access.
- J.R. Varcoe, P. Atanassov, D.R. Dekel, A.M. Herring, M.A. Hickner, P.A. Kohl, A.R. Kucernak, W.E. Mustain, K. Nijmeijer, K. Scott, T. Wu and L. Zhang, “Anion-exchange membranes in electrochemical energy systems”, Energy Environ. Sci., 7 (2014) 3135-319.
- Y. Liu, L. Zhang, B.G. Willis and W.E. Mustain, “Importance of Particle Size and Distribution in Achieving High-Activity, High-Stability Oxygen Reduction Catalysts”, ACS Catalysis, 5 (2015) 1560-1567.
- N. Spinner, L. Zhang and W.E. Mustain, “Investigation of Nickel Oxide Anode Degradation in Lithium-ion Batteries via Identical-Location TEM”, J. Mat. Chem. A, 2(6) (2014) 1627-1630. Inside cover feature article.