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College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Faculty and Staff

Christina Sayers, M.S.

Title: Director of International Affairs
College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Phone: 202-922-0915
LinkedIn: My LinkedIn profile
Resources: International student internship program
Christina Sayers headshot


M.S., International Relations & Global Studies, Northeastern University
B.A., International & Cultural Studies, The University of Tampa

As the director of international affairs for the University of South Carolina's College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, Christina Sayers has dedicated her career to advancing global education initiatives through strategic leadership and innovative programming. Her professional journey is characterized by a commitment to expanding international opportunities, strengthening global partnerships and creating transformative experiences for students. Throughout her tenure, Sayers has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership in international education by conducting extensive in-person visits with global partners, significantly increasing student participation on study abroad programs and successfully expanding international student enrollment. Her approach goes beyond traditional administrative roles, focusing on building meaningful relationships with educational institutions worldwide and creating life-changing programs for students, both in the USA and abroad. Notably, under her leadership, the College of HRSM achieved remarkable milestones, including hosting students from 39 different countries, increasing study abroad enrollments by 156% since 2019 and assisting to establish the college's first dedicated International Education Office.

Her strategic initiatives have yielded tangible results, including enhanced global presence for the University of South Carolina, increased student diversity and expanded educational opportunities. Key achievements include developing innovative programs like the "International Alleyway" at the HRSM Expo, implementing a 24/7 support system for students and creating targeted recruitment strategies that have dramatically improved student engagement. By cultivating strong partnerships, designing immersive study abroad experiences and maintaining a proactive approach to global education, Sayers has helped transform the institution's international landscape and created a more interconnected academic community.

These efforts reflect her core belief in the transformative power of international education – not just as an academic pursuit, but as a critical pathway to developing global citizens who can navigate and contribute to an increasingly unified world. Her work continues to be driven by a passion for fostering cross-cultural understanding and expanding educational horizons.

Sayers has more than 15 years of international relations experience and has lived and worked in several countries including Germany, Austria, Italy, Japan, Costa Rica, and the Galapagos Islands. She is passionate about the internationalization of USC and enjoys learning about the world not only by traveling, but by getting to know the vibrant students at USC. Prior to working for USC, Sayers worked as a study abroad advisor for IES Abroad in Vienna, Austria. Beforehand, Sayers spent six years working in retail management at Lilly Pulitzer.


  • UNIV 101 – The Student in the University
  • UNIV 401 – GLD Experience Personal and Professional Growth
  • HRSM 495 – Internship
  • RETL 495 – Internship
  • RETL 592 / HTMT 590 – Luxury Management in Italy: The Virtual Travel Experience
  • SCHC 400 – The Golden Age of Spain & Portugal


  • B1 German Certification, University of Vienna, Austria, 2019
  • A2 German Certification, University of Vienna, Austria, 2018

Student Group Leadership

  • HRSM Global Community Club Advisor


  • Delta Zeta Sorority National Resolution Team
    • The National Resolution Team is responsible for considering all cases of individual members that require an Alternative Resolution as outlined in Delta Zeta’s Member Accountability Process. The individuals on this team will determine responsibility for alleged violations of Delta Zeta policy and determine appropriate educational outcomes as necessary for individuals.
    • The purpose of the National Resolution Team is to provide individuals with a fair, unbiased and empathic resolution that focus on helping members develop an understanding of how actions impact individuals and the community they are a part of in Delta Zeta. This team will hold individual members accountable for actions that are not aligned to Delta Zeta’s mission or values, per the organization’s right, by amending statuses, assigned educational outcomes or recommendations of membership dismissal.

Honors / Awards

  • Sustainability Consultantship, Northeastern University. Consulted for Barilla Pasta, La Marzocco, and Buccelletti Wine Resort in Tuscany, Italy (2016)
  • Scholarships recipient:
    • International Studies Association. Defended undergraduate thesis at the ISA-South Conference (2013)
    • Congress-Bundestag CBYX: Received a scholarship to spend one year abroad in Germany. Interned at the German Congress to promote parliamentary relations between Germany and the USA. Developed a competency in German (2008-2009)
    • Michigan State University & Tokyo University of Agriculture: Received a scholarship to conduct comparative freshwater research and gather sustainability data (2007)
  • Retailing awards:
    • 100 Million-Dollar Award for significant contributions to overall company sales, Lilly Pulitzer (2013)
    • Outstanding Sales Award for highest single sale in corporate history, Lilly Pulitzer (2010)

Professional Certifications

  • NAFSA Visa Advising for Education Abroad, 2022
  • USC Green Zone Training Certificate, 2021
  • USC Safe Zone Ally Training Certificate, 2021
  • NAFSA F-1 Visa Certification, 2021
  • USC CTE Incorporating Virtual Reality into the Classroom with 360° Videos Certificate, 2021
  • USC CTE Global Learning Experience Certificate, 2020
  • Carolina Intercultural Training Certificate, 2019
  • LEAD Certificate, University of South Carolina, 2019

Professional Affiliations

  • NAFSA: Association of International Educators
  • International Studies Association
  • The Forum on Education Abroad
  • Columbia World Affairs Council
  • Koger Center for the Arts
  • Columbia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Zeta

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
