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My USC Salkehatchie

Fall 2025

Fall 2025 Academic Calendar (50)

August 19, Tuesday Classes Begin
August 26, Tuesday Last day to change a course schedule or drop a course without a grade of “W” being recorded
September 1,  Monday Labor Day Holiday - no classes 
October 9-10, Thursday - Friday  Fall Break - no classes 
November 12, Wednesday Last day to drop a course or withdraw without a grade of “WF” being recorded
November 23-30,  Sunday - Sunday  Thanksgiving Break - no classes 
December 15, Monday Last day of classes
December 6, Saturday Reading day
December 8-15, Monday - Monday Final examinations (includes exams on Sat.)

Refund Dates

Through August 26- 100% refund for dropping or complete withdrawal
Through August 31- 70% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal 
Through September 8 - 50% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal 
Through September 17- 20% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal


Fall I 2025 Academic Calendar (5A)

August 19, Tuesday Classes Begin
August 22, Friday Last day to change a course schedule or drop a course without a grade of “W” being recorded
September 1,  Monday Labor Day Holiday - no classes 
September 24, Wednesday Last day to drop a course or withdraw without a grade of “WF” being recorded
October 8, Wednesday Last day of classes
October 8, Wednesday Final examinations 

Refund Dates

Through August 22- 100% refund for dropping or complete withdrawal
Through August 24- 70% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal 
Through August 28 - 50% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal 
Through August 31- 20% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal



Fall II 2025 Academic Calendar (5B)

October 13, Monday Classes Begin
October 17, Friday Last day to change a course schedule or drop a course without a grade of “W” being recorded
October 9-10, Thursday - Friday  Fall Break - no classes 
November 27, Thursday Last day to drop a course or withdraw without a grade of “WF” being recorded
November 23-30,  Sunday - Sunday  Thanksgiving Break - no classes 
December 15, Monday Last day of classes
December 15, Monday Final examinations 

Refund Dates

Through October 17- 100% refund for dropping or complete withdrawal
Through October 19- 70% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal 
Through October 24 - 50% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal 
Through October 28- 20% refund for dropping a course or complete withdrawal

Note 1: If your class meets at a time that is not listed, look for the closest one in the table.

Note 2: USC’s Academic Regulations state that 1) no final exam may be held outside of
the scheduled time without authorization from the academic dean, and 2) no quiz, test,
or exam may be given during the last week of classes. Students who have conflicting
exam times and need help should contact the academic dean.

Note 3: 2.5 hours is the maximum amount of time that can be allotted for a final exam, except for once a week classes. Instructors may choose to allot a shorter time.





