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College of Information and Communications

College of Information and Communications

Sponsored Awards and Grants

The Carnegie Foundation has designated the University of South Carolina as an institution of very high research activity, its highest rating.   In keeping with the university’s commitment to cutting-edge research, College of Information and Communications faculty actively seek funding opportunities to support their research initiatives.  

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Exploring Immigrant Construction Workers and Stakeholders’ Health and Safety Communication Needs in the Workplace
PI:  Viviana Zambrano Rodriguez
School: SJMC

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Issues Concerning Self-Driving Cars: An Analysis of Public Opinion and Mediated Public Discourses
PI:  Seihill Kim
School: SJMC

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Wordification - research-based, AI-driven spelling game
PI: Sabrina Habib
School: SJMC

Sponsor: IMLS
Extending School Librarian Preparation Through Transitional Mentorship with Early Career School Librarians
Jenna Spiering

Sponsor:  IMLS
Leveraging National Library Partnerships to Develop a Community-Driven Online LGBTQIA+ Consumer Health Guide
Vanessa Kitzie

Sponsor:  IMLS
Project Library PREPARE: Planning, Response, Emergency Preparedness, and Resilience Education
Feili Tu-Keefner (PI), Brett Robertson (Co-PI)

Sponsor: International Development Research Centre - University of Cape Town, South Africa
Fostering Information and Knowledge Access in the Digital Environment: A Situational Analysis of Legal-regulatory Frameworks in ARIPO Region
Dick Kawooya

Sponsor: ALA
A Resource Guide for Equitable Access to Information for Blind, Visually-Impaired, and Print Disabled Students
Clayton Copeland

Sponsor: ALA
Leveraging LIS Research Insights to Support LGBTQIA+ Communities
Vanessa Kitzie

Sponsor: ASPIRE: Office of the Vice President for Research
Immersive Learning with Virtual Reality Serious Games in iSchool
Rachel Williams

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding Program
Creating a Framework with Service Guidelines and Professional Toolkits for Disaster Information Services for Libraries
PI: Feili Tu-Keefner

Sponsor:  USC Racial Justice and Equity Research Fund
Title: Exploring Black Public Relations Professionals’ Lived Experiences in the PR Industry
PI: Damion Waymer and Candace Edrington
School: SJMC

Sponsor:  USC Office of the Vice President of Research
Title: Magellan - DeSimone - The Imbalance of Influence When Science Becomes Political: Comparing the Vaccine Communication Strategies of Health Experts and Politicians on Social Media
PI: Jungm Wu
School: SJMC

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Title: Where We Live: Local and Place Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Underserved Rural Communities
Co-PI: Brett Robertson
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Equitable Access for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Print-Disabled (BVIPD) Students in Online Learning: A Study of BVIPD Services Among Southeastern Conference (SEC) Institutions
PI: Dick Kawooya and Clayton Copeland
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Full STEAM (and Social Studies) Ahead with TPS Grant Training in South Carolina
Co-PI: Jenna Spiering, Liz Harnett, Christine Shelek, and Valerie Byrd Fort
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Identity-Based Routines in the Public Library: Structuring the Workplace to Better Support Staff with Diverse Identities
PI: Darin Freeburg
School: Information Science

Sponsor: USC Big Data Health Science Center
Global Conversations on "Tobacco Harm Reduction" on Twitter: The Big Tobacco's Involvement and Interference with Tobacco Control Across Countries
PI: Jungmi Jun
School: SJMC

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Equitable Access for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Print-Disabled (BVIPD) Students in Online Learning: A Pilot Study of BVIPD Services at the 
Co-PI: Dick Kawooya, Clayton Copeland, and Eric Robinson
School: Information Science and SJMC

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Foster Parent Associations’ Social Media Communication and Its Impact on Foster Parents
Co-PI: Anli Xiao, Yanfeng Xu (Social Work) and Linwan Wu
School: SJMC

Title: Creating a Sustainable and Sharable Disaster Information Services Repository Website
PI: Feili Tu-Keefner
School: Information Science

Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Aware: Increasing Media Literacy and Social Emotional Learning through Micro-credentialing
Co-PI: Kenneth Vogler (Education) and Vanessa Kitzie
School: Information Science

Sponsor: AEJMC
Title: Cancer Communication Ecologies of Asian Americans in the United States
Co-PI: Jungmi Jun and Ali Zain (Ph.D. student)
School: SJMC

Sponsor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Weather Service
Title:  Addressing Geographical and Social Diversity in Heat-Health Messaging
Co-PI: Brett Robertson
School: SJMC

Sponsor:  Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Title: The Practice Model for an Equitable Workplace Transition Program (EWTP): Disability and Neurodiversity
Co-PI: Kim M. Thompson
School: Information Science  

Sponsor:  ASPIRE II: Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Automatic and personalized identification of smoking using smartwatches
Co-PI: Jun Jungmi
School: SJMC:  

Sponsor:  Center for Teaching Excellence
Title: Innovative Pedagogy Grant
PI: Jabari Evans
School: SJMC

Sponsor:  Center for Teaching Excellence
Title: Innovative Pedagogy Grant
PI: Mani Robinson
School: SJMC

Sponsor: EBSCO Information Services
Title: Community Action Toolkit (CAT) in Support of Diverse Library Collections & High-Quality Educational Materials
PI:  Lucy Santos Green
School: iSchool

Sponsor: American Library Association / Carnegie Whitney Grants
Title: Equity, Social Justice, and Critical Race Theory in Librarianship: A Bibliography and Toolkit
Co-PIs: Nicole Cooke, Cearra Harris
School: iSchool

Sponsor: American Library Association / Carnegie Whitney Grants
Title: The Rainbow Connection; An annotated bibliography of LGBTQIA+ books and resources for children.
Co-PIs: Christine Shelek, South Carolina Center for Community Literacy
School: iSchool

Sponsor: National Institute of Health
Title: Identifying Optimal Visual Narratives to Impact African American Men’s Colorectal Cancer Risk Awareness and Screening Uptake
PI:  Robert McKeever
Co-investigators: Jungmi Jun, Joon Kim, Karen Wikersham, Brett Robertson, Christopher Nolan, & Carl Ciccarelli
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning @ USC
PI: Jeffrey Williams
Title:  Immersion at the Circus, documenting the beyond the classroom experience
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Waterhouse Family Institute for the Study of Communication and Society
PI: Brett Robertson
Title: Precarious Societies, Collective Solidarity: Feminist Economic Organizing of Mutual Aid Organizations and Resilience Discourses during COVID-19
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Waterhouse Family Institute for the Study of Communication and Society (WFI)
The Platformization of Organizational (counter-)Discriminatory Speech on Facebook and Twitter During the Pandemic
Yingying Chen

Sponsor:  Social Science Research Council - Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science Research Grant
Precarious Societies, Collective Solidarity: Feminist Economic Organizing of Mutual Aid Organizations and Resilience Discourses during COVID-19
Brett Robertson

Sponsor:  US Dept of State
Empowering Workers for Justice in Bangladesh
Co-PI: Andrea Hickerson
School: SJMC

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Actionable Sensemaking Tools for Curating and Authenticating Information in the Presence of Misinformation during Crises
Co-PI: Shannon Bowen
School: SJMC

Sponsor:  IMLS
Title: Designing Culturally Competent and Impactful K-12 Online Learning
Co-PI: Lucy Santos Green and Liz Hartnett (Key Personnel)
School: Information Science

Sponsor:  IMLS
Identifying Opportunities for Retention of BIPOC Librarians Using Survival Analysis
Monica Colon-Aguirre
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Full STEAM (and Social Studies) Ahead with TPS Grant Training in South Carolina
Co-PI: Jenna Spiering, Liz Harnett, Christine Shelek, and Valerie Byrd Fort
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Title: Connecting Behavioral Science to COVID-19 Vaccine Demand (CBS-CVD) Network (PRC Supplement)
Co-I: Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC

Sponsor: AEJMC Collaborative Scholar Grant
Title: Media Advocacy and the Health Belief Model in the Context of COVID-19: A Mixed Methods Study
Co-PI:  Brooke McKeever and Carl Ciccarelli
School: SJMC

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: TTP: Small: DeFake: Deploying a Tool for Robust Deepfake Detection
PI: Andrea Hickerson
School: SJMC

Sponsor:  IMLS
Laura Bush 21stCentury Librarian Program
Nicole Cooke, working with the American Library Association
Information Science

Sponsor: Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning
Title: Beyond the Classroom Engagement Program Grant for Student Participation
PI: Jeff Williams
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Biometric Responses and Health Outcomes of Youth Exposure to Modified Exposure Claims for Novel Tobacco Products with FDA Authorization Cues
PI: Dr. Jungmi Jun; Co-PI: Dr. Taylor Wen
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: LGBT Health Surveillance via Mining Social Media Big Data
PI: Dr. Amir Karami
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Understand the Impacts of Social Density and Environmental Uncertainty on Consumers’ Subjective Well-being
PI: Dr. Linwan Wu
School: SJMC

Sponsor: The Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication
Exploring the Impact of Corporate Social Advocacy Campaigns on Collective Action: A Two-Part Study of Identity 
Anli Xiao

Sponsor: The American Academy of Advertising Research Fellowship
Title: Disclosing the involvement of Artificial Intelligence in advertising to consumers
PIs: Dr. Linwan Wu and Dr. Taylor Wen
School: SJMC

Sponsor: The Knight Foundation
Title: Development of a Deep Fake Detection Tool for Journalists
Co-PI: Dr. Andrea Hickerson
School:  SJMC

Sponsor: American University
Title:  Right to Research Network: Supporting Africa's Copyright Reform Agenda at World Intellectual Property Organization
PI: Dick Kawooya
School: Information Science

Sponsor:  Library of Congress
Title:  Teaching with Primary Sources
PI:  Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Developing Training for and Establishing Partnerships between Community Health Workers and Medical Librarians for LGBTQIA+ Health Promotion
Vanessa Kitzie
Information Science

Sponsor: SC Humanities/NEH
The Augusta Baker Lecture Series
Dr. Nicole Cooke
Information Science

Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Asian Americans’ Experience with COVID-19 Related Discrimination and Communicative Coping Strategies
Jungmi Jun

Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Explore Diseases and Chemicals in COVID-19 Scholarly Articles with Data Science Techniques
 Amir Karami
Information Science

Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Detecting and investigating COVID-19 misleading information on YouTube
Ehsan Mohammadi
Co-PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever and Dr. Robert McKeever
School: Information Science and SJMC

Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: The Virtual Piranesi
Jason Porter

Sponsor IMLS
Title:  Educational Quality through Instructional Partnerships (EQuIP): Assessing the Efficacy of Collaboratively Implemented Guided Inquiry Design on K-12 Student Learning
 Dr. Lucy Santos Green
School: Information Science

Sponsor Library of Congress
Title:  Teaching with Primary Sources
PI:  Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Penn State
Title:  Construction and Validation of New Scales of Advocacy and Activism
PI:  Dr. Brooke McKeever
School:  SJMC

Sponsor: USC - Aspire
Understand the Role of Emotions in Disaster Communication: A Computational Analysis
 Dr. Jing Wen
Co-PI: Dr. Amir Karami
School:  Information Science

Sponsor Penn State
Title:  Moment of Truth: Understanding Corporate Rumors and the Psychology of Rumor Spread on Environmental Issues via Social Media
PI:  Dr. Holly Overton
School: SJMC

Sponsor American Library Association
Title:  Social Justice in Young American Graphic Novels - a Global Perspective
PI:  Dr. Karen Gavigan
School:  Information Science

Sponsor: USC Office of The Provost
Title: Big Data Health Science Center (BDHSC)
Co-I: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Examining Public Library Service to LGBTQ Communities for Health-related Information
PI: Dr. Vanessa Kitzie
School: Information Science

Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities
Title: Evolution in Digital Discourse: Toward a Computational Tool for Identifying Patterns of Language Change in Social Media
PI: Dr. S. Mo Jang
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Library of Congress
: Teaching with Primary Sources
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science


Sponsors: Jacqueline M. Albers Guest Scholar in Children’s Literature Fellowship and the Southeastern Conference Visiting Faculty Travel Grant
: Visualizing Change through Multicultural and Social Justice Graphic Novels in the U.S. and Australia.
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science

Sponsor: The Pennsylvania State University  - Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication
Title: Understanding Native Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility 
PIs: Dr. Linwan Wu
Co-PI: Dr. Holly Overton
School: SJMC

Sponsor: The Pennsylvania State University  - Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication
TitleMoment of Truth: Understanding Corporate Rumors and the Psychology of Rumor Spread on Environmental Issues via Social Media 
PI: Dr. Holly Overton
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: META 2: Furthering Our Understanding of the Economic Value of Public Library Services
Lead PI: Dr. Jennifer Arns
Co-PI: Dr. Clayton Copeland
School: Information Science

Sponsor: CDC
Title: USC PRC Center and Core Research Project: National Implementation Study of the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) Program 
PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC

Sponsor: The Arthur W. Page Center at the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State University
Title: The Effects of Self-Construal on Green CSR Perspectives in the U.S. and India: The Moderating Roles of Environmental Consciousness
Lead PI: Nandini Bhalla, doctoral candidate
School: SJMC

Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Knowledge Discovery in Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Experiences
Lead PI: Dr. Amir Karami, assistant professor
School: Information Science

SponsorCenter for Teaching Excellence
Title: Innovating and integrating two courses: Photovisual Communication III and Graphics for Visual Communication
Co PIs: Dr. Sabrina Habib and Dr. Tara Mortensen
School: SJMC

SponsorCenter for Teaching Excellence
Title: Global Health Initiative Course Development Grant for a new course: Communicating, Science, Health & the Environment
Lead PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC

Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Enhancing Situational Awareness by Mining Big Social Media Data in Near-real Time for Disaster Management: A CyberGIS Approach
Co-PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science

Sponsor: USC Office of The Provost
Title: Computational Analysis of the US 2016 Presidential Election in Social Media
PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science

Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Teaching with Primary Sources
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Website »

Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Functional wellness among women living with HIV in South Carolina
Co-PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science 

Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Medical Case Reports Analytics (MCRA) in Neurology
PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science

CIC Grant

The College of Information and Communications is committed to supporting collaborative research and creative scholarship across the college and with other units on campus. 







Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
