Sei-Hill Kim's research interests are at the intersection of the media and social issues. He examines how the issues are presented in the media and what the effects are on the audiences. Specific research areas include public health, science, politics, and public relations.
College of Information and Communications
Faculty and Staff
Sei-Hill Kim, Ph.D.
Title: | Eleanor M. & R. Frank Mundy Professor |
Department: | School of Journalism and Mass Communications College of Information and Communications |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-7037 |
Fax: | 803-777-4103 |
Office: | School of Journalism and Mass Communications 800 Sumter Street, Room 330 Columbia, SC 29208 |
Resources: | Google Scholar |

B.S., Seoul National University
M.A., Michigan State University
M.A., Sogang University
Ph.D., Cornell University
As a teacher Kim has taught courses in research methods, public relations, and political communication. Courses taught at the University of South Carolina: JOUR332 Mass Communications Research, JOUR 533 Public Relations Management, JOUR 701 Research Methods in Mass Communications, JOUR 711 Applied Mass Communication Research – Content Analysis, JOUR 801 Communications Research Design. Courses taught elsewhere: Foundations of Public Relations, International Public Relations, Case Studies and Ethics in Public Relations, Public Relations Campaigns, Political Communication, The Mass Media and American Politics, Introduction to Communication, Marketing Communications.
Recent Publications
Lee, S., Kim, S.-H., & Jun, J. (accepted for publication). Who Is Responsible for Campus Sexual Assaults? News Media Use, Attributions of Responsibility, and College Students’ Perceived Risk and Willingness to Engage in Preventive Behaviours. Journal of Sexual Aggression.
Kim, S.-H., Jun, J., Thrasher, J., Heo, Y-J., & Cho, Y. (accepted for publication). News Media Presentations of Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs): A Content Analysis of Newspaper and Television News Coverage in South Korea. Journal of Health Communication.
Jun, J., Kim, S.-H., Thrasher, J., Cho, Y., & Heo, Y.-J. (accepted for publication). Heated Debates on Regulations of Heated Tobacco Products in South Korea: The News Valence, Source, and Framing of Relative Risk/Benefit. Tobacco Control.
Salmon, C., Thanomwong, P., & Kim, S.-H. (2019). Third-person effect in the context of public relations and corporate communication. Public Relations Review, 45(4), Article 101823.
Jun, J., Wu, L., Kim, S.-H. (2019). Tobacco risk information exposure and comparative risk assessment of e-cigarettes vs. cigarettes: Application of the reinforcing spirals model. Journal of Health Communication, 24(4), 422-431.
Associate Editor (January 2016 – present), Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
Associate Director for Graduate Studies and Research (January 2016 – May 2020), School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of South Carolina
Public Relations Sequence Head (March 2012 – January 2016), School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of South Carolina
Research Chair (August 2014 – July 2015), Mass Communication & Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
President (September 2011 – August 2013), Korean American Communication Association (KACA)