Imagine CarolinaShaping Our University Experience
Imagine Carolina is a retreat where participants share their perspectives and ideas directly with university leaders to help shape the Carolina experience.
Imagine Carolina Presidential Retreat
Undergraduate students on the Columbia campus were invited to be part of the first
Imagine Carolina Presidential Retreat held on September 11, 2022. About 200 undergraduate
students joined the day-long event to share their experiences with the school and
their views on what they would do to improve areas ranging from academics and student
life to post-graduate readiness and the campus climate.
More than 300 people also participated in Imagine Carolina events held for graduate and professional students, faculty and staff throughout the spring semester.
Imagine Carolina was an excellent idea — and a very welcome one. It inspired me, I felt connected to the president’s vision, and I’m grateful for being heard by the staff.
Stephane Tagne, mechanical engineering junior -