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Joseph F. Rice School of Law

  • USC School of Law Building

Mission, Vision & Values

At the University of South Carolina, we are a community of faculty, professionals, students, and alumni.


The University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law prepares lawyer-leaders to serve their communities through rigorous legal studies, exceptional experiential training, and comprehensive professional identity formation within an inclusive and diverse environment. We serve justice and advance the law through engaged learning, teaching, scholarship, and service.


To be an innovative, student-centered public law school that advances knowledge and the common good, with a local impact, a national voice, and a global reach.


  • Service. Serving justice, the legal profession, the people of South Carolina, the nation, and the world.
  • Success. Placing students and their success in the center of all that we do, while promoting excellence and opportunity.
  • Passion. Fostering a scholarly community that promotes passion for the pursuit of knowledge, the exchange of impactful ideas, innovative research, and transformative teaching.
  • Integrity. Modeling and instilling integrity and professional values.
  • Community. Cultivating – through our words and actions – a diverse, inclusive, and civil community where everyone is valued and supported
  • AAUP Academic Freedom Statement
  • Carolinian Creed. - The USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law strongly believes in upholding the Carolinian Creed and strives to ensure that every student, staff member, and faculty member is valued and treated with respect, dignity, and integrity.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
