Supporting Your Success
USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law leads the way with signature programs and services
to support your development and our mission.

Partner in prioritizing mental health and wellness
Our partnership with the USC Student Health Services and its Counseling and Psychiatry
Services unit extends their robust program of holistic services to enhance physical
and mental wellbeing. USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law also provides a full-time,
licensed in-house therapist.

Partner in shaping your professional identity and career path
In collaboration with our academic partners, each department lends a guiding hand
as you learn how your professional skills and interests will align with job and career
steps. Your dedicated USC Career & Professional Development team will listen, coach
and counsel.

Partner in academic support from start to finish
Proactive guidance and support begin with intensity in your first year and continue
with mentorship, academic support, and bar preparation.

Partner in exploring common interests and enhance self-awareness
Through more than 30 student organizations, competitive teams, and journals, students
can allocate their valuable time to develop and focus their talents. Coaching from
our trained student affairs professional will help you make the most of the law school