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Joseph F. Rice School of Law


Emily R. Winston

Title: Associate Professor of Law
Joseph F. Rice School of Law
Phone: 803-777-6591

1525 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29208

Resources: CV [PDF]

Emily Winston


Emily Winston joined the University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law in 2019. She teaches Business Associations, Securities Regulation, and a seminar titled The Social Impact of Business Activity. Her research explores the economic and social impacts of business law, including corporate governance and financial market regulation. Most recently, her research has explored the relationship between capital markets regulation and wealth inequality.

Prior to joining the University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law, she was a Jacobson Research Fellow in Law and Business at NYU School of Law. Prior to that, she was a Clinical Fellow and Supervising Attorney at NYU’s Business Law Transactions Clinic. She also served as a C.V. Starr Lecturer at the Peking University School of Transnational law in Shenzhen, China.

Professor Winston earned a B.A. in Economics and a B.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland. She received her J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School in 2010. After earning her J.D., she practiced law for several years at Dewey & LeBoeuf and Paul Hastings in New York where her practice focused on capital markets and finance transactions involving publicly traded Latin American companies.


  • Business Associations (LAWS 609)
  • Securities Regulation (LAWS 606)
  • The Social Impact of Business Activity (LAWS 621)


  • Unequal Investment: A Regulatory Case Study. Cornell L.R. (forthcoming) [SSRN]
  • Managerial Fixation and the Limitations of Shareholder Oversight, 71 Hastings L. J. 699 (2020). [SSRN]
  • Benefit Corporations and the Separation of Benefit and Control, 39 Cardozo L. R. 1783 (2018). [SSRN]

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